To create account you simply need to go to registration page and enter your email and password:

Next thing you need to provide some information about your business, location and currency. The currency is important because system will use it as primary currency for all billing and invoices

<aside> 💡 You're not able to change main currency later, so choose it wisely


In the next step you need to provide information about your internal domain. This domain will be used by your clients. They will be able to login to their client panels on that page. All the invoices will be also served from your space

<aside> 💡 You can later add your own domain for example and build client panel under your brand


In the next step you have to select at least one payment option. The simplest one is a wire transfer option. Your clients will be able to select this payment options to pay for the created invoices. You can change it later.

So the next step is about your billing cycle.