TRC system works under workspaces. When you register for a very first time you create your own workspace. Every workspace has a separated data set which means:
You can easily invite people to the system and they will not be shared with others. Your workspace works on you dedicated web-address for example:
<aside> 💡
Under this address you will find a various of external services that will help you to build a system you like. For example you can share a public map with information about your current assets you select like: moving cars in your area
In the workspace settings you will find some imporant settings. If you have a home location you can add it here. This will be a center point of all your tasks.
By clicking categories you can define a library that will be used to describe your tasks and invited people. You can build it in a way you like. This categories will be important later when you run a matching system. So keep in mind it's here