Sales are strongly connected with clients. We understand that that's why the sales module is one of the most easy and powerful features in the client list system. With the use of the sales module, you're able to track information about offers you send to clients, prospects, lead, sales and all the things that are happening in between. It's simple you add there all the things you offer to clients and change the status when the client decides to buy the product or service. You will find sales module here:

To add a sale or offer click the "Add sale/offer" button. You can add as many offers as you want. You can also add sale from a list with the use of a quick action bar:

First thing you need to do when adding a sales is to define a name, and offered price and a type of the offer

Types can be easily managed, you can develop your own steps in a sales funnel. To manage that check the settings of a list. We added here a simple "Add type" button so you can add your own status on the fly.

When you add a record you now start to track information about potential/ongoing or closed sales and this can be that simple! But wait for a second! we added here some features that can improve the process

Feature 1: Comments and discussion

Every sale can be as simple as a name, but usually, the offer is much more sophisticated, before we go deeper in that let us show you how simply have a discussion about the offer. You can put their details of the sale or start a discussion about the terms with your business partners. Click here to start the discussion:

The window appears where you can add comments:

When there are some comments and messages from others you will see that next to a sale record:

Feature 2: Assignment

When you want to improve your sales process you can click a menu button next to a sales record. When you open a sale record you will see the extra options that can be connected with a sale

The first thing you will see is the assignment of a sale. If you work with your people you can see who added and when it's necessary you can replace the user/employee with the right person responsible for all the sales processes within that product or service. When you do that this person will be visible as a responsible person in all reports and summaries. This person also will receive notifications about all the deadlines and problems.