Our system covers all types of delivery options including pick-up orders. To enable pickup orders, switch it on in the delivery section


If you want to work ONLY for pick-ups without the delivery options select this:


If you do that people will place orders ONLY for pickups. But let's say you cover both the delivery options. When you enable pickup, the client when placing an order will have to choose the option:


<aside> 💡 People can choose the date on pick-up by choosing ASAP or another date. This is strictly correlated with your opening hours, realization time, and delivery time. In the case of pick-up orders, the delivery time is a preparation time.


The system will prevent placing an order without time for preparation or on the dates and times when you're not working. When you select the pickup option client will have to provide the simple information:


Then normally a customer should choose a payment option. At the end of the order, the client receives a confirmation with a QR code and pick-up code.