One of the most important parts of the system is the client panel. It is a place designed for your clients where they can easily find their invoices, pay for them and see the details of the settlement:

the client panel is available from:

The page can be configured with your name, logotype and colors

How clients get to a client panel?

When you create a first invoice client receives it on his email. When he click the button to see the summary of the invoice he will be transferred to a client panel:

To view and pay for the invoice client do not need to login to the system. The ability to join a client panel is optional. As you see above he receives an ability to setup the password for his account (if he never did that before)

He needs to select a login and setup the password. When he do that he will be able to login to a client panel. By clicking sign it or going to a provided website. If he setup the password for the first time he will be taken to a client panel page automatically: