Billing section is a place where you will find all billing entries that are taking place in your organisation. At start this section looks like that

But when you will start using it it will look like that:

On the list you will find all the records that were created.

But what is the billing record, well it's a record of everything you charge your client for. It can be as simple as membership fee but also a detailed information about car parts you sold to a client.

<aside> 💡 So billing records are representing a history of all things you sold to a client.


<aside> 💡 Every single billing record is connected or will be connected with a generated invoice, depend on your system settings


<aside> 💡 The generated invoice based on billing records can be connected with one or more records.


"or will be connected". That's because the invoice can be generated instantly or it can be generated when your company billing cycle date will come.