When you deal with clients you open them an accounts and simply add billing record to their profile, so you know about the current financial situation with a client. In simple billing system it is simple.

But what if you want to build an other type of agreement with your clients that use prepaid and postpaid plans.

What is balance?

Balance represent a current settlement value with your client. A perfect balance of a client is 0.00 which means that client and you are not owning yourself any money.

Negative balance → Client owns you money

Positive balance → You own money to client

You can find a balance on a client card:


As you see mr. Tom Hanks has a 0.00 balance which means a perfect client condition. What if you will submit an invoice to mr. Hanks that needs to be paid:


As you see a negative balance appears. That means that invoice was submitted but Mr. Hanks did not pay for it yet. When Mr. Tom hanks will pay for the invoice the balance will get back to 0:
